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Poem: Raise Your Voice – Teen Memories

Suppression of expression rolled firmly through my young life.
Should I speak at all, I wondered.
Is my voice, being heard, worth the fight?

Push the feelings and thoughts deep down,
too many people would encourage.
Internally, my life was a mess.
I wished I could be a little bit more courageous.

To say what I needed and wanted to say,
was that really too much to hear?
It needed to be okay to speak,
even if it seemed wrong, dark, or showed my inner fears.

As I built up the courage,
to say what was true for me,
tears streamed down my face.
At last, I felt a little free.

As my voice started rolling,
it may have become a little annoying.
I still kept speaking up,
to rise from my internal dust.

Forgiveness of those who suppressed my inner voice.
And thank you to those who listened.
I appreciate the people,
who could hear my inner calling.

Today, I send a message to you.
Will you raise your voice,
and speak your inner truth?
Self-expression can encourage growth,
you may feel less stressed,
and less alone.

It’s okay to feel.
It’s okay to cry.
No matter what your gender,
you will feel stronger,
once you share your truth in life.



theme by teslathemes